
General Physician Department

Physicians and surgeons diagnose and treat injuries or illnesses and address health maintenance. Physicians examine patients; take medical histories; prescribe medications; and order, perform, and interpret diagnostic tests. They often counsel patients on diet, hygiene, and preventive healthcare. General physicians are those medical professionals who deal with all kinds of general adult diseases, unlike specialists who specialize in only one body part or a single system ailment. While you may think that a specialist is a more highly ranked one in the medical field, but it is not so.

A care provider is a person that is responsible for providing care for an individual. This includes nursing services, custodial services, personal care, home care, and home health. A care provider is a healthcare professional that provides care for an individual.

Departments Doctor

Doctor Name Qualification Remarks
Dr. Nand Kishore Kumar Mbbs,Md
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Mbbs,Md
Dr. Avinash Mbbs,Md
Dr Sunil Kumar Md,Dm